Monday, July 18, 2011

I dislike... (Part 2)

I would encourage you to read the beginning of my list of dislikes all the way back in August of 2007. It's been 4 years since that post, and much has happened in my life since then. While I still endorse the list from 2007, there are so many more things that have come to my attention that I dislike. If you know me well enough, nothing on the following list should surprise you that much. And I certainly don't intend to offend anyone, but as we are all so different, each with our own set of likes and dislikes, I realize that there may be dislikes on this list that are likes for you, and vice versa - so, approach with an open mind!

  • Facebook - Still not a friend. Even on my loneliest days, I still feel it's just not worth the time to upkeep - especially when there is an adorable little girl around that I could be spending time with.
  • Television - Let me explain.  For me, there are very few shows that I actually enjoy. Compare this small number of quality television with the amount of garbage that's on these days, and I guess I just have to lump all of TV into the "dislike" pile.
  • Mosquitoes - I can't believe I didn't include them on my first list. I have "bugs and insects" listed, but mosquitoes deserve to be named outright.
  • Poor Exercise/Fitness Center Etiquette - I don't understand how people can be so oblivious to using proper exercise etiquette. Take for example today: I'm working out between two stations - and this woman, who has been in the fitness center with me the entire time, just walks over and starts using one of my stations. She changes the weight, sits down and just starts using it. And using it. And using it. She gives no indication when she's going to be done. Seriously - all you need to do is ask me, "Are you done using this?" To which I would reply, "No, I have one set left." To which she might wait the thirty seconds it takes me to finish up. Instead, I have to wait for a pause in her workout and ask if I can finish up. This is the second time she's done this. Now, had I wiped the machine off, I would thereby indicate that I have completed my use of the equipment - but no, she just budges right in and starts using it. I really dislike that.
  • Bottled water overuse - It's getting a little out of hand. Once I learned how many of those bottles can't be recycled and how bad plastic is for the earth, my tune about bottled water went significantly sour. Then I watched this video and well, there's no turning back:
  • Disposable razors that are incompatible with one another. If you buy a Gillette Mach 3, you'd think you'd be able to interchange those razor heads with any other Gillette product. Nope. My Fusion Razor and Mach 3 Razor are totally incompatible, so I have to buy two new razors to accommodate one tiny little razor head. Ridiculous.
  • I dislike when I put something in a different place thinking that I will remember I put it there because it's so out of the ordinary. I rarely remember...
  • I dislike that most stuff is designed for the dump - if I can get five years out of a product I am ecstatic - compare this with a generation or two ago whose products were designed to last for fifty years. This video will rock your world:
  • Country Western Music
  • Cheese Whiz 
  • Mayo overload - The last couple times I've been to Subway, when I ask for Mayonnaise on my sandwich, they must be taught that more is better than less - because they've absolutely smothered my sandwich, which I dislike. Now I make sure to ask for "just a little squirt" which seems to do the trick.
  • The crazy amount of junk mail that my hotmail account accumulates - and how it seems more and more peoples' accounts are getting hijacked
  • Falling asleep only to be startled awake minutes later... and then not being able to fall back asleep again.
I'm sure the list will continue, but this is enough for now. Plus,.I haven't written for awhile - which I also dislike. Enjoy, critique, and of course, your comments are welcome!