So much of life is spent in the trenches of normal, everyday routines like working, driving, eating, sleeping - you get the idea. I happen to be someone that appreciates the weird, different and strange things in life - experiences or circumstances that may be uncomfortable, challenging or just downright odd. I have been feeling that itch again - that yearning to branch out, spread my wings and dare to do the different and shake things up a bit. Our trip to Ireland in two weeks is sure to satisfy this yearning for the unusual, as I will be experiencing my first Trans-Atlantic flight and international destination. I can't wait to see things for the first time and soak up an entirely new culture - and doing so along with my parents, Rebecca and younger brother Dave. It's going to be awesome.
A resume of "weird" for you to ponder - here's a sample of my history of shaking it up. I think my first memory of desiring something different (I'm sure my parents could think of several more before this) was when I decided that I wanted to have my haircut include shaved lines. I instructed my hair stylist/cutter to add lines to the side of my head - and, ever daring to one-up each of my visits, more and more designs were done. I continued this one-upmanship habit well into high school and college. I loved to dress up and push the envelope of personal humiliation - all to lighten the mood. Some of my favorite costumes have included breaking out the tights and suiting up as Robin (Batman's sidekick), an 80's Rocker, Superman at camp - and one of my all-time most memorable dress up experiences was in my Senior Year of high school when Ben and I went to school as an Olympic pair of Women's Beach Volleyball players - spandex, sports bras and all - it was an utter gem during the Olympic themed Sno-Daze week. The reactions of repulsion and laughter have all been well worth it - mixing up the norm, creating the ultimate in creativity with each year, and enjoying every minute of the craziness. I've tried my best to not let myself get too comfortable with any one costume or character. Free time with friends was often spent creating voices, weird characters to play out in public and of course - the physical slapstick comedic bits of smacking your face into a door, tripping and falling in front of a crowd of people or singing and speaking gibberish in a cramped elevator - all to see how far we could go without breaking character and busting a gut in laughter. Those years have a special place in my heart and the friendships that encouraged that behavior are still dear to me. I know that when around certain old friends, those desires return and anything could happen - it's living life nowhere near the norm. I love it.
I must say that now, even though older, wiser and somewhat more mature, I still have these inclinations and have no problems acting on them every once in awhile. Take Halloween for example - I cannot NOT dress up for Halloween. It's too easy - the nation recognizes and excuses people for looking ridiculous - come on, you gotta take that up and run with it. But, like all things - it's more fun to break out of the norm when it's not expected. I think that's one of the main reasons I've never been a big alcoholic drinker - it's certainly not expected to do these things sober. It makes it much funnier, in my opinion, when you know you are in the right mind and your "witnesses" know as well - nothing can be justified - you're completely responsible for looking like an idiot or acting foolishly - and it adds so much more fun to the mix. I am so blessed to share a marriage with such a similar goofball as me - we know how to keep things in perspective and make each other laugh without needing much to loosen up. I like being able to break out and make a fool of myself every now and then and not be penalized when I "tell the wife." She keeps us balanced by being the more normal of the two of us, yes, but doesn't flinch when I "have my moments" either - well, not too much anyway. How much greater is life enhanced when we can be ourselves with those we love and spend time with!
Where exactly am I going with this? Not sure really - just felt the need to mix it up and reminisce and reflect on the importance of being silly, light-hearted and risky from time to time. Life can be too boring if we let it grind on day after day without throwing in a curve ball and seeing what happens when we try something new. I realize that not everyone is going to start running into doors and breaking out into gibberish in elevators in order to mix it up, but I do hope that whatever it is that helps you to break free for a little while and dare to be different, that you do it. Why not? Whether it's trying out for a local theater production, traveling to new places, tasting a new food, going to a comedy club, taking off your shirt and flexing your non-existent muscles at the gym, messing with the fast food drive through person, prank calling a friend, deliberately scaring yourself - whatever, I say go for it. Doing the radical, rebellious and just plain different can be fun, inspiring and incredibly freeing and there is no time like the present to feel more alive.
"Only those who risk going too far can possibly know how far they can really go."
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