Thursday, April 3, 2008

Crappy TV

Of the television shows on these days, there are only a handful that I really really like - "The Office," "Scrubs" and "30 Rock" are definitely my favorites. My TV habits are just that - habits. Like getting home from work and instinctively going into the cupboards or refrigerator in search of something to snack on, when its time to relax at the end of the day, I grab the remote and channel surf. I am not addicted to TV by any means, I often go long periods without watching anything (other than "our shows" listed above or a good sports game) but, when it comes down to my favorite way of wasting time, I cannot help but seeing what my options are on the boob tube. With that said, I am finding that the "options" or, more affectionately referred to by my wife and I as "crappy TV" - are sucking me in, even though I have zero intention of actually maintaining an ongoing relationship.

So, here I am - a man that doesn't "need" TV to be happy in life, sitting across from the very thing that I claim is nothing but a "crappy" way to spend my time. What does that mean? Am I a crappy person for giving into this habit, time after time after time? I like to tell myself that it helps me to stay close to the American culture, so that I can better connect with what is going on around me. Plus, when it happens to be a high-quality show like The Office, it's also a great way to get a laugh and put a smile on my face for the rest of the night and sometimes into the next day. Ultimately, I know that I could choose to live without TV if I really wanted to. I have gone long periods of time without it before, and I didn't suffer severe consequences or mood swings. I know that there really is "life after TV" and many live without it every day - but, for the time being, as long as I am keeping it under control and still being active, I think its safe to keep my little on-again off-again relationship going. It's not like we get home every day from work to see what's on "Oprah"....(wink, wink). Trust me, I know how to shut it off and find something better to do with my time - but only when I feel like it.

So, without further ado, here are my top five "Black-Hole" shows I can definitely live without, but still find myself being sucked into from time to time.

5. "House" (FOX): This is more my wife's favorite, but I too enjoy watching every now and then. Dr. House is about as big of a jerk as there is on TV, and as easy as it is to hate this guy, I can't help but like him and enjoy watching him limp around and causing havoc.
4. "Extreme Home Make Over" (ABC): Who can resist seeing a down and out family get the biggest surprise of their life when their dismal circumstances are flipped upside down on national TV? Occasionally downright irresistible, I plop down and soak up the beauty and miraculous make-overs these houses and families receive from the nice folks at ABC. And sometimes, I even get a bonus tear-inducing moment or two in...
3. Deal or No Deal (NBC): I love to hate this show. It's amazing how it continues to suck me in when both contestant and host annoy me to no end. For example: 1) the only phrase uttered by the contestants, over and over and over again is "Low" followed by the hand motion from waist to ankle. 2) And then there's host Howie's predictable "build-up the suspense and take a commercial break" move or 3) the inevitable dare devil contestant telling off the banker and displaying all kinds of ridiculous "No Deal" antics to rile up the audience. Ahh, as much as I cannot stand to watch, I stay tuned in to see someone walk away rich or get too greedy and fail.
2. The Moment of Truth (FOX): This is a cross between Deal or No Deal and Jerry Springer if you ask me. People willingly go on this show to display how dirty, twisted and awful they are - and seem perfectly content with ruining everyone's lives in the process - only for a chance at winning some cold hard cash, and sometimes, nothing to show for it at all. The questions asked are terrible - "do you regret marrying your husband"? Even with warnings like, "This next question could ruin your marriage" - contestants don't even flinch before allowing it - I just can't believe this is the state of being for people out there. The fact is, their marriage is already in trouble when they audition to be on the show - so, I suppose America has no shame in "cheering" on the liars, thieves and pervs that want to be the next millionaires. Man, of all the shows that anger me most - this one is at the top. And yet, I find myself lingering every now and then while channel hopping.
1. The Biggest Loser (NBC): This one takes the cake (haha). I have no idea why it is as successful as it is. Have you ever gone to the gym and pulled up a chair and watched someone run on a treadmill or lift weights? Well, that is what you're basically doing when watching this show. I laugh to myself and have to click away when they're showing these incredibly overweight people sweating, groaning and giving it all they have on camera. How embarrassing if you ask me. I mean, I'm all about people getting healthy and losing pounds, but c'mon, we need to give them a little privacy during the process. It's great that they have the challenges and interviews - that stuff is what television is all about. The weigh-ins are interesting too, and of course, the reveal is worth tuning in for. The emotional good-byes and vote-offs though are beginning to be a little too dramatic for my tastes - again, it makes you feel like you've entered a little too far into their private conquests, and there is nothing but awkwardness as they send somebody home to fend for themselves. Great for them to get in shape and turn their lives around, and at least you're treated to the warm and fuzzy happy ending feeling - but, man, I can't believe that I get sucked in as much as I do with this show.

Well, there you have it. Judge lest ye be judged. I know I will most likely be leaving much of my television watching days behind me once I become a full time student again, but for now - I'll probably just keep tuning in for more crappy TV...

1 comment:

Siobhan said...

I shamelessly watch one show on tv..Big Brother. It is worth all the smut.