First of all, I need to apologize to myself for not writing sooner. This may have deeply affected you as well. Now that we've gotten that out of the way - I need to update on what is going on that has demanded so much of my time that I could not post a blog for nearly three weeks. The last time I went that long without writing I had to have tiny trespassers removed from my unmentionables. Well, nothing that drastic has occurred, but I have had my share of changes going on around me that nonetheless, have sucked time and motivation away from me.
I went a total of 2.5 months without shaving and sported a beard that one friend referred to as "magnificent." Indeed, I surprised myself tenfold with my facial hair growth and ended up actually liking and keeping it around much longer than the 2 weeks I initially intended it for. I definitely added some maturity to my face and started noticing that I was somehow treated as if I were an elder rather than some 18 year old ready to head off to college. It was nice, to say the least. The Jesus references have subsided and its back to "How are you young man?" when I enter places. It's all good - it was a great experiment which if nothing else, proved me wrong and provided some awesome photos when shaving day came around. See photos on the side of this webpage and stand in awe of the greasy mustache and handlebar chops (as requested).
Other changes worth mentioning here is that I am now fully and completely hooked on the sport of baseball once again. My family and I are immersed in Fantasy Baseball against one another - and, I have to admit that my skepticism has turned to full-out addiction. I am currently holding steady in third place - but my confidence is high that this will turn around any day now. My team, the "Bananas" are loaded with studs that will eventually turn up the noise and cause some statistical damage against my lesser opponents. I am feeling good in my ability to manage them and tweak the line-up and do my research. I expect this to change once I leave my job and take on my new job at camp, not to mention taking Greek through the summer. By then I hope that my team will be able to dominate without me. We'll see...
Speaking of seminary, the transition is beginning to sink in. Tomorrow (Wednesday May 7th) will be exactly 7 days until I leave Richmond, Virginia. I don't know for how long I will be absent from this awesome state and even better community of friends and acquaintances, but either way, it will not be an easy period to adjust to. I really love it here. I love our friends dearly, our church family, our house and our life in Virginia in general - it is really odd to think that I will not be here in a week's time. I am excited to be closer to our families and other friends yes, but, when someone is in a place for 5 years and puts all of them self into not only the location but the people - well, its hard to leave you know?
Our house sold, we resigned our jobs and made plans for the summer in Minnesota - but none of that hit me hard enough to say "you're leaving" until we were the guests of honor at our own "farewell party" at the Youth Talent Show Lock-in a few weeks ago. Being given a cherished binder full of pictures and letters from the youth that we've built relationships with these last 5 years - wow - what a huge impact that left on my heart. We managed to hold our emotions together until driving home the next day as I continued to reflect on and be thankful for these wonderful relationships we were apart of. These kids were literally much of "our life" outside of our 9-5 jobs - and I would not trade our time with them for anything. They and many others here will be greatly missed. I am excited to see how God will use them post-Keith and Rebecca - for I know that as much as we impacted their lives, they impacted ours for the better as well. The one thing that always makes me feeler better when apart from others is that it is then that we really experience personal growth and change - and depending on the experience while together, it can really be meaningful and positive. I'm looking forward to seeing God more and more in the future lives of these kids. I am also incredibly blessed to have built some really tight and strong bonds with our "adult church friends" and know that our connection will continue no matter the distance.
To be honest, it still hasn't sunk in. Maybe this Sunday, my last at church, things will begin to set in for me and my heart. Maybe I'll be overcome with emotion at all that God has done through and around me that I will no doubt realize that "this is it." Or maybe I'll just be fired up about all of this goodness that has taken shape over the last 5 years of my life and just be really, really thankful, excited and on fire. I don't know - but all of this looking back and looking forward causes nothing but tearful emotion, thankfulness, praise and excitement-filled anticipation. I know that in and through it all is one loving Father, Son and Holy Spirit where all originates and continues to flow from - it's never an ending, but always a new beginning.
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