Winter in Minnesota has come in full force. These last few days have been brutal if you're a Luther seminary student like me. Slammed by final paper fever, I have been cranking out the typing like Jack in The Shining. Then, for a little break, I can go outside and enjoy the negative thirty degree weather - woohoo! Oh, good times have arrived my friends - good times.
This is primarily for my Richmond, Virginia peeps - you may officially begun to chuckle. Against your snickers and advice, we moved back here - by choice. It is 57 degrees in Richmond right now. That is an 80 degree difference. Here come the tears.
I am about to venture up the hill, on my way to the last day of my Monday classes for the semester. Is it tempting to stay inside and get some more papers and final assignments done? Almost as tempting as just climbing back into bed. I have thought about both - but, alas, I must face ol' man winter (who is being a real jerk lately) and fulfill my duty as a student. I know I could choose otherwise, but part of me just wants to finish strong, amidst the icey trials that are mocking me. I will look to my armor to protect me: long underwear (top and bottom), pants, two pairs of socks, sweatshirt hoody, jacket, hat, leather mitten chops and my trusty ol' boots. I love my boots. I will cover everything but my eyes, get my Minnesota shoulder hunch going and away I go, slipping and sliding away on the black ice, up hill, to the other end of campus.
Am I bitter? Not yet. I am still getting used to this actually. I like the change in scenery and the way the snow feels underfoot. I also like how my wussy-ness is being put to the test. I went to a guys night out party last night, watched some Sunday Night Football and then played snow football during half time. It was 13 below when we started. I honestly lost feeling in my pinky fingers half way through. I also couldn't stop kicking myself for opting against the long underwear, talking myself out of it: "We won't play now that its this cold, right honey?" She didn't have an opinion - I decided I wouldn't play even if they wanted to. I was wrong on both counts, realizing I had become a real wuss. This must change. We had a good time, but oh my word, it was SO COLD. Ok, I have put my walk off long enough. Farewell my friends. Have a wonderful day, wherever you are. And for those of you Minnesotans reading this - God be with you!
It is NOT all in the mind people. So don't even go there!
1 comment:
I can't make fun of you too much, since we have definitely hit winter in Cleveland too. But 30 below? Geesh!
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