As if living in Minnesota wasn't hard enough with the consistent days of below zero temps - now we have another challenge: driving blind. That's right, a new frustration has gripped me this first "real" winter in 5 plus years - the experience of driving in utter blindness as the frigid temperatures freeze the windshield fluid. Yes, the saying is true, "you don't know what you've got till its gone." I admit, I took that blue fluid for granted all these years - and now, driving in sub-zero temps, I realize what a total annoyance this ridiculous weather really is when I can't see two feet in front of me because my windshield is filthy.
I used to think I was a pretty unflappable and even tempered driver - sure I've had my moments of tension and anger when cut off or tail-gated - but on the whole, I'm usually pretty calm when behind the wheel (unless driving in Washington DC) - but other than that, I can hang with the best of them. However, that was then and this is now: without a doubt, my new arch-enemy that is sure to get the better of my temperament is this new problem of frozen fluids for the windshield.
I know that the fluid itself is not frozen, but somewhere from the tank to the windshield, there is some blockage occurring because when I request the services of the fluid to cover my dirty windshield, I get nothin'. I hit the button for fluid and instead of receiving a shower of spray I just get fervent wiping of nothing but the dirt and mud encrusted window - thereby making vision impossible. Couple this with bright sunshine in my face and I am literally driving blind. There is no difference between me and a blind person behind the wheel. I begin to freak out and squirm, trying to find that one tiny shred of clarity on the glass, usually to no avail. This is absolutely terrifying. To make matters even worse, I am on the freeway, so pulling over to assess the situation or pour some water on it is just as dangerous - I just have to buckle down, rely on faith and if I'm fortunate to be with someone at the time, trust their muddied vision as well as four eyes are better than two. So, as you can expect, I do not like driving blind. In fact - I dread getting in the car altogether now.
I've really been struggling to find the silver lining in this ongoing predicament. The only analogy I seem to come to time and time again is that of "living by faith, not by sight." (2nd Corinthians 5:7) Participating in a controlled blindfolded trust walk is one way to demonstrate the sheer blindness we encounter in faith - but driving blind?! In a car? Where one mistake could end it all? Yeah, I think I'll take the trust walk in the woods any day. But, I guess this just goes to show that whether we like it or not, sometimes all we can do in the end is pray to the Lord above that despite our gripping fears and justifiable anxiety about some dangers and risks, God is with us, guiding and protecting. But, somehow and some way, I'm always given just enough moisture or passenger assistance and coaching (thank you Rebecca) to clear a path of clean windshield, and I am able to get to where I'm going. And, God forbid something does go awry, I have to trust in God's comfort that He'll be with me then too.
Well, its back to the roads of life, driving blind and all. Perhaps I'm just the rookie Minnesotan here - so, if you're reading this and wondering aloud why I haven't done the obvious to alleviate this dilemma - PLEASE HELP ME. I am no stranger to asking for car maintenance assistance as many of you already know. This issue is at the top of the list - I'll take whatever advice I can get at this point. There is still a whole lotta winter left.
While I'm on the topic of driving, there is one more thing I'd like to include in this post. Remember my desire to learn how to drive a stick-shift? Done and done. I wouldn't say I'm an expert by any stretch of the imagination, but I think my first lesson was a huge success - thank you Borna Albus! Let's just say that if you need a pinch hitter to take you home in your manual transmission automobile, you can count on me. My only stipulation is that your windshield wiper fluid works!
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