Friday, September 14, 2012

The Night Rider

While the name of this post may conjure up images of one of my all-time favorite shows as a kid, the Knight Rider, starring David Hasselhoff - the comparisons end with the name I'm afraid. Last night I joined the Montevideo Bushwhackers (yes, it's a real group) for a night time mountain bike adventure. During my first visit to the local coffee shop last Friday, I met several guys from the area who share a similar love for all things active and outdoors. I had just been contemplating trading my mountain bike in for a road bike given the total flat and monotonous looking pavement around our homestead in Big Bend when the conversation about the Bushwhackers came up. A few years ago someone had an idea to get together once a week throughout the year to engage in some kind of activity together, be it biking, cross-country skiing, hiking, kayaking, etc. Now they call themselves the Montevideo Bushwhackers and some of their events and excursions attract up to 60 plus people to share in the fun. I am absolutely thrilled for having discovered this group just a month into our arrival in the area. So, yesterday the call came in for my first chance to get involved in some live action.

First of all, a quick shout out of thanks to my friend Matt Schreiber for giving me such an awesome mountain bike to call my own. Although my mountain biking has drastically decreased since acquiring this tremendous gift about six or seven years ago, it was such a boost to the self-esteem to show up to the night ride with this bike. I had begged Rebecca about two years ago to allow me to put some money into a tune up and repairs in hopes that I would then get more use out of it - and tonight, I was able to finally cash in. Along with a quality head lamp, a good helmet and durable pants, I hereby award myself (and again, thanks to Matt's generosity) with 10 Awesome Points in the "Equipment" category.

We arrived at the park around 8:30 pm, about fifteen minutes late due to getting pulled over for driving on the still closed off Highway 212. But, let's just say it helps to be driving with the Chief of Police, who happens to be one of the founders of the Bushwhackers. I'm just going to go ahead and award myself a quick 2 Awesome Points for meeting and keeping such company.

The ride itself was awesome! Weaving, digging and feeling the wind in my face as I plowed through the darkened paths was just what the soul was thirsty for. Riding in the daytime is challenging enough, now add to that by throwing in some steep dropoffs, sand, wildlife (skunks, bugs, deer, etc. and oh yeah, TOTAL DARKNESS, and the challenge/adventure quotient climbs up a few levels. We also had to portage a couple of times, carrying our bikes across a river bed and along a branch infested and steep hillside. Needless to say, the manliness factor was off the charts - an easy 20 Awesome Points. I'm not sure whether or not to award or take-away Awesome Points for experiencing a misstep on portaging attempt number two in which my entire right foot submerged in water. Let's just say it happened as a result of my exhaustion having just conquered a massive uphill climb without stopping, which definitely netted me 10 Awesome Points. Pedaling with a wet boot does equal manliness in my mind, but in this case, it was most definitely not awesome and thereby results in a negative 5 Awesome Points - bringing my subtotal for the thrilling ride itself to 25 Awesome Points.

Perhaps the coolest part of it all was that the night's shin-dig went down in the company of "the guys." Riding towards the back of the pack allowed for some entertaining moments at the expense of the leaders, who occasionally stumbled and encountered hardship - much to the enjoyment (and heads up) for the rest of us. At the end of the ride (4.7 miles, 57 minutes and 685 calories burned, according to someone's Smartphone App) we sat around someone's pick-up truck, drinking beer and sharing some much needed laughter, banter and masculine camaraderie. However, it should be noted that a negative 10 Awesome Points were deducted as I had to decline having a beer, therefore appearing to be a total and complete wuss or perhaps some kind of pompous religious person. And while my personal theology or religious beliefs have no qualms with drinking some beers with the guys, I am without a doubt a self-proclaimed wuss in the alcohol tolerance department. One beer usually is enough to affect my judgment. I still had to drive twenty miles home. So, even though the thought of an ice cold beverage was mighty tempting after what we'd just accomplished, I didn't want to risk it. Wuss or not, I'm going to go ahead and award myself 5 Awesome Points for exhibiting some clutch self-awareness and discernment in the heat of some mild peer-pressure and an opportunity to further implant myself as "one of the guys."

All in all, the night ride was a success and I look forward to solidifying myself in this community as a proud member of the Montevideo Bushwhackers.

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